
About us - Pineapple Circus

In May 2019, during a visit to the Chelsea Flower Show, one of our founders, Mathew, engaged in a lunch conversation with his dear friend Cheryl Harris. The discussion revolved around Mathew's frustration with the unavailability of specific faux flowers and foliage from his regular suppliers. Expressing a desire to import a bespoke collection to fill a market gap, Mathew acknowledged his lack of experience in overseas procurement despite having a surplus of ideas, passion, and determination.

Cheryl, thinking of a solution, immediately thought of Darren, who possessed extensive knowledge and experience in the field. She suggested that Mathew and Darren should meet to explore potential collaboration.

Shortly after, Mathew and Darren convened in London to discuss future possibilities. It quickly became evident that a fantastic opportunity lay in working together, leading to the inception of Pineapple Circus. 

Later that year, the duo journeyed to the Far East, visiting various manufacturers to meticulously source products based on quality, color, and price. Simultaneously, they outlined the strategic development of Pineapple Circus.

Starting their journey at the Chelsea Flower Show, Mathew and Darren are thrilled about the future. Their immense passion for their products and commitment to excellence drive them forward. With plans to expand collections into Christmas and seasonal decorations, the future appears exceptionally promising for Pineapple Circus.